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Dear Mogen David Family,

There is a major debate amongst the classic mefarshim whether the Chet Ha-egel occured before or after Hakamat HaMishkan (the dedication of the Tabernacle which we commemorate by not saying Tachanun during the first two weeks of Chodesh Nissan). A simple reading of the last five Parshiot does not lend us any clarity in this debate. Parshiot Teruma and Tetzaveh already begin the discussion of the Mishkan, and Sefer Shmot concludes with our Parasha, VaYakhel, followed by Pekudei, which also primarily discuss the details of the Mishkan.

Sandwiched in between the first set of Parshiot (Teruma-Tetzaveh) and the last (VaYakhel-Pekudei) is Parashat Ki Tissa which records the Sin of the Golden Calf.

So exactly when, chronologically, did the Chet Ha-egel happen?

This issue no doubt impacts the famous debate between Rashi and the Ramban. Rashi notably believes in the concept of Ein Mukdam U'Meuchar B'Torah, the Torah wasn't written in chronological order, whereas the Ramban, wherever possible, tries to prove that the Torah, in general, follows a sequential order of years and events. Notwithstanding this argument, many mefarshim mention that here it makes sense to say the commandment to establish a Mishkan post-dated the Chet Ha-egel; perhaps it was even because of the chet!

At its root, the Chet Ha-egel was a sincere, though terribly misguided, attempt by Bnei Yisrael to connect with the Ribbono Shel Olam through a physical medium. Man's nature is to grasp onto tangible evidence. We feel comforted by a Mitzvah, or a connection, which we can see and feel, understand and engage with. After the Chet Ha-egel it was clear a change was necessary. Am Yisrael still possessed and was defined by Mitzri culture.

HaKadosh Baruch Hu, in His infinite wisdom, commanded us to build and create a physical structure--the Mishkan--to experience our desired connection with the Almighty. It is in this way that the Mishkan served as a 'Kappara,' an atonement, or rectification, of the Sin of the Golden Calf.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Yehuda Moses Rav HaKehillah/Senior Rabbi

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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785